The Dark Knight
genre falls under the action category. The sparks and flames
depicted in the poster further supports the claim that it is related to
action. The background is grey and dark implying that the film is
somewhat of the tragedy variety. The bat symbol is the only
illustration of light, and can therefore be perceived as a binary
opposite ;good vs evil. The flames can be further deciphered as the
eternal struggle for power between chaos and order, moral and immoral.
Displayed in this poster have been implemented, and therefore the hypodermic needle theory is applicable. However, I do not think the two step flow theory is correct in this instance as there is no evidence to suggest subliminal messaging. Finally,can be correct in this movie. People may use this video to make up for things in their lives, add excitement or the sense of meaning to their otherwise mediocre, dull lives.
Displayed in this poster have been implemented, and therefore the hypodermic needle theory is applicable. However, I do not think the two step flow theory is correct in this instance as there is no evidence to suggest subliminal messaging. Finally,can be correct in this movie. People may use this video to make up for things in their lives, add excitement or the sense of meaning to their otherwise mediocre, dull lives.