Tuesday 21 March 2017

6) Main Task- Introduction

The main task consists of creating a magazine, in which the following will be included: front cover, contents page, and double page feature page. In this, we must use photos we have acquired first hand and utilise photo editing services, entailing Photoshop and others. The final product will be assessed on how it meets the criteria, and how genuine it seems. This tests our manipulation skills with applications, such as Photoshop, PowerPoint and Publisher.

The genre I have chosen to base my music magazine off of, is rap. This is due to the fact that it is a breed that I am familiar with, and the simplicity of some popular rap magazines only makes the product seems prestige and well made. Furthermore, this will make it easier to create images based on rap, and arrange the magazine.

The demographic I aim to hit is the 16-27 male region due to the fact that this is rap's usual audience and therefore by extension, the magazines. Despite the fact that rap is primarily for those over 18 years of age, those under have been known to listen to it. Due to this fact, I have included them in my target audience, so that the potential influence of the magazine is ever larger. Also, I am unable to put anything worthy of an 18+ on the magazine for legal reasons. To engage with my target audience, I have decided to; maintain a house theme, use colloquial language, feature numerous artist's names, use eye catching hooks and titles.

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